
Healing features of onions: how socks and onions are connected

Effective treatment for infections and elimination of toxins

Onions have a ton of antibacterial properties. Putting it under your feet, you can increase the ability to fight a variety of infections.

Of course, you need to remember that this procedure cannot be called a full-fledged treatment. She can not replace the medicines prescribed by the attending physician. But as a preventive measure, it boasts high efficiency.

Today we know that toxins can form in absolutely any environment. Most of them quickly leave our body, but there are also those elements that can accumulate in the blood for a long time, becoming dangerous to human health. As already mentioned, onions contain phosphoric acid. It helps a person to say goodbye to harmful toxins. Therefore, everyone who regularly eats onions makes their body stronger, stronger and more energetic.

In addition, onions contain a large amount of vitamins, including useful elements from groups E and C. These are the vitamins that our immunity needs most of all. At the same time, the substances are the strongest antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect on the body. Therefore, onion not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps to maintain youth and independence from expensive cosmetics and plastic surgery.

Help with weight loss

We know what an important function the thyroid gland performs. This is an organ that provides the body with hormones, keeping their amount in the right balance. However, unfortunately, the thyroid gland can not always function normally. In some cases, its function may decrease, due to which the level of hormones rises or falls. This becomes a serious problem for weight loss. Due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

For this reason, many experts recommend using a bow, putting it under the foot in a sock. During sleep with such a procedure, the onion affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalizes its work. It is enough to sleep like this for about a week and you will immediately notice a positive effect.

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