The man decided to buy a watermelon weighing 130 kg, but when he cut it, he was very surprised

Many people think that it is important to see how dry the tail of a watermelon is. In fact, this does not matter at all, since in any case it will dry up while it is being transported from the field to the market.
Something completely different is important, namely the state of the place near the tail. This area is commonly referred to as the “button”. This is how it should be dry. If you see a watermelon with a green “button”, it is better to refuse the product.
If we talk about the pulp, then it should be bright red and grainy. If the incision is shiny, then the specimen is not fully ripe or has already begun to ferment. However, remember that the color of the pulp may still vary depending on the species.
What can be said about the form? It is popularly believed that round watermelons belong to the female sex and supposedly such specimens are always sweeter than oval berries. Things are different, the ovaries are only on female plants. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the gender of a watermelon by shape.
Now let’s move on to the main thing – to the size. It all depends on the type and area where watermelons were grown. It is best to choose watermelon from one batch. Preference should be given to medium watermelons, then you definitely can’t go wrong.
Giant watermelons or, conversely, kids should not be taken. Such watermelons are usually picked completely unripe or overfed with chemicals.
Well, what about weight? Is it really not worth taking 130-kilogram watermelons? Yes, a ripe watermelon will not weigh much even with large sizes, but overripe watermelons have a heavy weight due to their high density. It is best to take watermelons with a weight of 6 to 9 kilograms.