Foods You Shouldn’t Eat Daily
Orange juice

This is natural orange juice. It takes four oranges to make one glass. At the same time, in this form, there is no fiber in the juice, despite its high content in ordinary oranges. However, the drink contains a lot of natural sugar. One liter can contain almost 50 grams of fructose.
Consuming orange juice daily, you smoothly lead yourself to gaining excess weight, since natural sugar is quickly processed not into glycogen, which is necessary for energy reserves, but into fat. Experts believe that the general epidemic of obesity is largely due to the fact that people began to consume huge amounts of fructose. In addition, the juice from freshly squeezed oranges contains dangerous acids, which is why it negatively affects tooth enamel.

This product is part of a huge number of dishes. It is impossible to refuse them. For breakfast we eat bacon and eggs, sometimes we eat boiled eggs for lunch, and even to make a cake, we need them. Many people start their day with this product. And, by the way, not in vain, because eggs are rich not only in protein, but also in useful vitamins and minerals. Of particular interest is choline, without which the body does not produce acetylcholine, which is necessary for the normal production and transmission of nerve impulses.
Why then shouldn’t you eat eggs every day? The reason lies, of course, not in the protein, but in the yolk, which is rich in a huge amount of cholesterol. Due to its overabundance, atherosclerosis can be obtained. In particular, the regular consumption of egg dishes is not recommended for people over the age of 60 years. They can eat scrambled eggs, but not more than twice a week.