Dangerous flowers at home: what plants you need to get rid of urgently
Kutro family

These plants are distinguished by a beautiful wide stem, green foliage, bright flowers and a huge variety of varieties. For this reason, flowers quickly gained popularity among lovers of caring for various exotic plants. However, not everyone understands how dangerous the juice that these flowers secrete can be. It used to be used by archers to make poisonous arrowheads. If this poison enters the human body, then you can get rid of serious poisoning. At low doses, a person will develop diarrhea, dizziness and nausea.
Among the most famous representatives of this family, we should highlight the stage, hoya, stephanotis and dipladenia.
Aroid family

Bright flowers of incredible beauty from this family are very often found on the shelves in ordinary apartments or in office centers. These plants are quite safe, but with the conditions that in no case should they be contacted. If care for these flowers fails, then a person can get severe swelling in the throat, which may well be followed by death. The reason lies in the toxins contained in the stems and leaves. They quickly cause severe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, spathiphyllums, dieffenbachia and monsters should definitely not be kept at home. If guests often come to you, it will be very difficult to explain to each person that the flower should never be touched.
Flowers to watch out for
We have only touched on the topic of poisonous plants, but there are flowers that are not so dangerous, but still need special care. We are talking about flowers that can only be kept in specific places. Then they will not cause any harm to the human body. Among such plants, the following can be distinguished: hydrangea, fern, orchid, lily and tuberose.
The list is far from complete. We have indicated only the most popular plants. In fact, there are many more poisonous flowers. Therefore, before purchasing a plant, you should always carefully read the information about it.
If you’re upset that your favorite flower is blacklisted, don’t worry. They can be grown, but subject to all safety measures!