The man decided to buy a watermelon weighing 130 kg, but when he cut it, he was very surprised

In the summer, we crave fresh berries and fruits more than ever. Watermelon is especially popular during this period. Summer is unimaginable without it. Naturally, the berry has always been known to lovers of delicacies. But over the past decades, breeders have bred an incredible number of very different varieties, differing in their taste properties and forms. Today, there are even red and square watermelons. The latter, by the way, at one time gained simply incomparable popularity.
Are large watermelons the tastiest?
Let’s start with a little story. Once, in one of the markets in a small Russian town, a man bought an absolutely incredible watermelon. He got a huge green berry weighing 130 kilograms.
Immediately he called his family and said that today there would be a real feast. He walked and only thought how they would enjoy this ripe watermelon. The man was glad that it was he who managed to buy such a watermelon. After all, the seller would definitely not be left without money. The huge watermelon attracted the attention of everyone who walked around the market that day.
When the man finally came to his home, he could not even immediately cut such a big berry. Having suffered, he nevertheless succeeded. But after that, he was incredibly surprised. The man’s jaw almost dropped. The 130-kilogram watermelon turned out to be half empty, and all the pulp was dried up. He wanted to see juicy red slices, but instead, pale yellow flesh appeared before his eyes. The watermelon did not look very appetizing and, of course, I did not want to eat it.
What was the man’s mistake? Why did a watermelon that seemed fresh and juicy turn out to be empty? Let’s figure it out together.